To meet the commitments set forth in this plan, faculty, staff, and students must have access to the tools necessary to achieve these goals.

A sustained focus on excellence requires investment in and careful stewardship of such fundamental resources as a diverse and inclusive workforce, a high-quality physical plant, and an exceptional digital and financial infrastructure. Through this plan, we intentionally foreground purposeful sustainability with our mission and values close at hand.

Specific goals include:

  • Refine and implement an equitable compensation strategy that optimizes the College’s ability to recruit, maintain, and develop the diverse talents and abilities of both faculty and staff
  • Invest in opportunities for professional growth and development for faculty and staff, including training, mentoring, and leadership development
  • Continue our commitment to excellence and affordability through innovative processes and practices that open the doors of Lafayette to talented students from all backgrounds
  • Design physical and virtual learning and living spaces that demonstrate our commitment to environmental sustainability, accessibility, belonging, and inclusion
  • Support and sustain foundational infrastructure (physical, systematic, financial, digital) that meets the needs of faculty, staff, and students in a data and technology-rich environment, including ensuring that classroom and lab spaces provide innovative and creative modalities for teaching and learning
  • Build campus planning and operations around principles of environmentally sustainable development guided by the most current Climate Action Plan, including improving connectivity between our three physical campuses